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Zumba Fitness | Total Body Workout DVD Program

Zumba Fitness is the only Latin-inspired dance-fitness program that combines red-hot international music, developed by Grammy Award-winning producers, and infectious steps to create a "fitness-party" that is certainly downright addicting. 

Since its creation, Zumba Fitness continues to grow and is by far the biggest and most effective dance-fitness system with more than 10 million people of all shapes, sizes, and ages benefiting from its use.

Here is a quick summary for you about what the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program has to offer you.

4 DVDs | Will work your body from head to toe.

6 Workouts | Starting with the basics and then moving to your favorite target areas, such as your core, thighs, and abs.

2 Toning Sticks | Maraca-like toning sticks add some muscle to your body sculpting routines. (only 1 lb each)

Optional Equipment | Additional Weights - added weight to your workout, means more definition.

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Now let's dive deeper into this workout dvds for women and really take a look at what you can expect when you start the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program.

Difficulty Level | Beginner to Intermediate

Let's take a closer look into each of the 6 workouts. Take a look at this video if you would like to see a preview of the actual workouts.

1- Zumba Fitness Basics | 2 - Zumba Fitness 20-Minute Express

3 - Zumba Fitness Sculpt & Tone | 4 - Zumba Fitness Cardio Party

5 - Zumba Fitness Live! | 6 - Zumba Fitness Flat Abs

Here are some before and after photos of women who have actually used the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program

As you can see Zumba Fitness has the ability to deliver some extraordinary results. All of these women experienced life changing transformations in less than a year's time. When you see drastic changes like this you can't help but wonder how it is even possible. Let's take a look at exactly how Zumba Fitness really works and what separates it from all the other dance-fitness workout dvds for women.

How Zumba Fitness Really Works

Zumba Fitness helps you shed weight and still have a great time along the way.

Packed with sizzling hot dance movements, pulsing Latin rhythms, and easy-to-follow workouts, this stimulating dance-fitness "party" should have you movin', groovin', and shakin' the extra weight off to the sexy, unique rhythms of salsa, cumbia, samba, merengue, and much more.

Each and every routine features interval training sessions that incorporate fast and slow rhythms with strength training, helping sculpt and tone your body while shedding fat.

As a result, you can also enjoy several long-term health advantages while having fun in the moment. Exercising generally is many things, however has certainly never been considered to be an exhilarating experience until the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program.

Let's hear what women who have actually used the workout dvds for women are saying! Here are video testimonials from real women who have used the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program.

Now let's take a look at the Pros and Cons of the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program.

Pros of the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program

Very Effective | Fun Workout | Music Orientated | Dance Fitness | Latin Inspired | Learn Popular Latin Dances | Any Age Group | Tone & Sculpt | Shed Fat Fast | Interval Training | Target Problem Areas

Cons of the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program

Trouble Understanding Rich Accents | Toning Sticks Rattle | Lengthy Pauses Between Workouts

Final Word
The Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program is a great workout dvds for women. With its Grammy Award winning producers, infectious dance moves, exciting workout environment and Latin inspired fitness program it is sure to deliver results. It might be a bit challenging in the beginning to keep up with the steps if you are not a dancer. However, this program breaks each move down into the simplest form to ensure your success. It does have its minor flaws but as you know nothing is perfect.

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program IS NOT FOR YOU IF:

  • You don't enjoy dancing.
  • You have trouble following simple dance steps.
  • You don't like Latin music.
  • You don't want a music oriented workout program.
  • You are not ready for drastic changes to your body and health.
  • If this is not for you, then check out the other reviews of workout dvds for women.

Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program IS FOR YOU IF:

  • You are ready to make drastic changes to your body and health.
  • You love to dance.
  • You can follow along with simple dance steps and movements.
  • You enjoy Latin music.
  • You are intrigued at the thought of having a music orientated workout program.
  • You enjoy a challenge and perform better with motivation.
  • You want a fun workout environment in the comfort of your home.

Congratulations on making the decision to transform your life. You are surely a cut above the rest! 

Here is everything you will need to get started on your journey. 


Keep us updated on your progress. We would love to see how things are going.

Thank you for reading! 

Hope it has helped you on your journey to better health and fitness!

Do you have any questions about the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD Program that you need answered?


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