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P90X | 12 Workouts Detailed

workout dvds for women

P90X is comprised of 12 Highly Diverse and Intense Workouts. Each one of them is approximately 1 hour long, which includes a warm-up and cool down to avoid injuries. Within the 12 Workouts you will find exercises that target and strengthen every muscle in your body.

Let's take a closer look into what you can expect when you start the P90X Extreme 90 Day Home Fitness DVD Program

1 - CHEST & BACK | Targeted strength and definition workout emphasizes two classic upper body exercises.

2 - PLYOMETRICS | Explosive jumping cardio routine proven to dramatically improve athletic performance.

3 - SHOULDERS & ARMS | Potent combination of pressing, curling and fly movements that will make you stronger.

4 - YOGA X | Combines strength, balance, flexibility and breath work to enhance your physique and calm your mind.

5 - LEGS & BACK | Get ready to squat, lunge, and pull for a total-body workout like no other

6 - KENPO X | Intense cardiovascular workout with punching and kicking for endurance, balance, and coordination.

7 - X STRETCH | Achieve a higher level of athleticism over a longer period of time, plus prevent injuries and avoid plateaus. 

8 - CORE SYNERGISTICS | Build and support multiple muscle groups while conditioning your body.

9 - CHEST, SHOULDERS, TRICEPS | Target both large and small upper-body muscles to push you to the brink.

10 - BACK & BICEPS | Flex those powerful biceps and focus on toning and tightening these showcase arm muscles.

11 - CARDIO X | A fun, low-impact cardio routine that will leave you feeling lean and mean.

12 - AB RIPPER X | Sculpt the six pack abs of your dreams and benefit your health and physical performance.

The P90X Extreme 90 Day Home Fitness DVD Program is a great fitness workout dvd program for women. With its modern approach to exercising it is sure to deliver results that will change your life. It might be a little difficult in the beginning if you are not in shape. However, this program was designed to help you grow and thus increase your resistance. With more resistance comes more strength and endurance to complete the exercises. P90X Extreme 90 Day Home Fitness DVD Program has tremendous benefits but like everything it is not without disadvantages. Then again, you can find the flaws in anything if you are looking for them. 

P90X Extreme 90 Day Home Fitness DVD Program IS NOT FOR YOU:
  • If an hour a day seems too time consuming. 
  • If you do not enjoy a challenge. 
  • If you are not ready for drastic results on your body. 
  • If this is not for you, then you can check out the other reviews of workout dvds for women.

P90X Extreme 90 Day Home Fitness DVD Program IS FOR YOU:
  • If you are willing to spare an hour out of your day to drastically enhance your health and body. 
  • If you enjoy a challenge and perform better with motivation. 
  • If you want a fun workout environment in the comfort of your home. 

Congratulations on making the decision to transform your life. You are surely a cut above the rest! 

Here is everything you will need to get started on your journey. 


Thank you  for reading!

Hope it helps you on your journey to better health and fitness!

To read the full review of the P90X Extreme 90 Day Home Fitness DVD Program you can go to the following link: P90X: Tony Horton's Home Fitness DVD Program

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