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Turbo Fire | Intense Training Workout DVD Program

TurboFire is an extreme innovative cardiovascular conditioning system by health and fitness innovator Chalene Johnson. She's going to help you to get slimmer by using routines that will burn up to 9x more fat and calories than typical cardio exercise will. Along with over 20 smoking-hot popular music remixes, TurboFire will pick you up and push you beyond your boundaries.

Chalene's 'New to Class' option also provides you with an explanation on the way to perform just about every move using the proper form.

So forget the excuses. Forget the gym. Now the hottest classes in Southern California come to you in the comfort of your home. 

Here is a quick summary for you about what the TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program has to offer you.

11 DVDs | Guides you through the program to help you get optimal results.

12 Workouts | Intense Cardio Conditioning and Interval Training.

Fitness Guide | In-depth look at how and why TurboFire really works.

Class Schedule | Details when to workout which removes the guess work for you.

Nutrition Guide | Easy to make snacks and recipes that will help you maintain your energy levels.

5-Day Inferno Plan | Shows you how you can lose up to 10 pounds in just 5 days.

24/7 Online Support | Access to friends, fitness professionals, and live chats to keep you motivated.

Lower Body Band | Body sculpting band helps you build lean muscles and add definition.

Optional Equipment | Weighted Hand Gloves, Jump Mat (included in *TurboFire Deluxe Package)

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Now let's dive deeper into these workout dvds for women and really take a look at what you can expect when you start the TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program

Difficulty Level | Intermediate to Advanced

TurboFire designed to be extremely effective whether you are intermediate or if you are more advanced. The workouts show you how to do each exercise. This is one of the most extreme workout dvds for women so these tailored exercises will help you to build up your resistance.

Let's take a look a closer look into each of the 12 workouts. Take a look at this video if you would like to see a preview of the actual workouts and real testimonials from real women.

12 Highly Intense Workouts
For a more detailed look into what to expect from each workout read Turbo Fire 12 Workouts Detailed.

Here are some before and after photos of women who have actually used the TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program

Before and After Photos

As you can see TurboFire can truly deliver drastic results in women. Each of these women experienced life changing transformations. Its only natural that when you see results like this that you wonder how it is possible. So let's take a look at how TurboFire actually works and what separates it from other extreme workout dvds for women.

How TurboFire Really Works

TurboFire classes include Fire Drills, also known as High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. These drills push you to your max for up to 1 minute bursts, with quick recovery periods. Studies show that HIIT ignites your metabolism, enabling your body to to burn more calories for up to 48 hours after your workout.

With TurboFire, you'll work out less than half the time you normally would doing regular cardio - and burn up to 9X MORE FAT!

Now let's take a look at the Pros and Cons of the TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program

Pros of the TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program

Very Effective | High Intensity | 9X More Fat Burning | Interval Training | Short Bursts | Increase Metabolism | Burn Calories | Motivational | Cardio Conditioning | No Gym | Basic Equipment Included

Cons of the TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program

Very Fast Paced | Cause Injuries with Incorrect Use| Not For Weak Hearts | Not For Beginners | Extremely Intense | Non-Stop Challenges

Final Word

The TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program has great workout dvds for women who are already used to intense workouts. With its modern approach to exercising it is sure to deliver results that will change your body. It might be a little difficult in the beginning if you are not in perfect shape. However, this program will help you increase your resistance. With more resistance comes more strength and endurance to complete the exercises.  TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program has tremendous benefits but like everything it is not without disadvantages

  • You have heart related problems.
  • You have weak knees, and other joints.
  • You don't already use cardio exercises in your daily life.
  • If this is not for you,  then you can check out the other reviews of workout dvds for women.

  • You are willing to take time out of your day to drastically enhance your health and body. 
  • You enjoy a challenge and perform better with motivation. 
  • You want a fun workout environment in the comfort of your home.
  • You already enjoy fast paced cardio exercises.
  • You want a workout with popular music.

Congratulations on making the decision to transform your life. You are surely a cut above the rest! 

Here is everything you will need to get started on your journey. 


Keep us updated on your progress. We would love to see how things are going.

Thank you for reading! 

Hope it has helped you on your journey to better health and fitness!

Do you have any questions about the TurboFire 90 Day Intense Cardio Conditioning Workout DVD Program that you need answered?


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